Foolproof mobile-based time & attendance system for your Contract workers working
in the manufacturing industry. Get Darsa to plug revenue leakages.
100% Robust and
Accurate face based
clock ins.
Automated timesheets with final calculations for payroll processing.
Manage contract worker’s time & attendance of multiple contractors
Real-time view of multiple sites. Get transparency and centralized controls.
Plan in advance or automatically allocate shifts like general, day, or night, in bulk for the entire organization or individually for each staff.
Staff can apply for time off or managers can do it on their behalf.Approvals and notifications happen right within Darsa, to making month-end calculations a breeze
Sourcing staff from multiple contractors? Manage their documentation, policies and more at the contractor level. Give required access to your contract managers.
Darsa allows you to create custom overtime policies based on your requirements. There are existing policies to help you track time and attendance accurately.
There ar attendance policies and reports in the Darsa dashboard that you can use to automate the overtime tracking, shift management, and payroll process.
Admin or supervisor view
Clock in remindersJob mapping
Integration with HRMS/Payroll
Realtime reports on mobile
Daily summary SMS
Multiple in-out